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Sometimes massage therapy and acupuncture are often confused with one another. Both are both based on the same premise but they are different. Acupressure comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also known as Oriental Medicine. TCM makes use of the power of body energy and chi as well as the life force to heal various diseases. Acupressure is utilized to treat a variety of ailments such as allergies, pain, anxiety stress, depression, and many more.

This kind of massage initially developed as an alternative to medicine hundreds of years long ago. It is still practiced today. Acupressure is a massage therapy that is therapeutic. It utilizes the pressure of flowing fluids or air on specific areas of the body to relieve pressure. This, in turn, relieves muscle tension, spasms and various other kinds of pains. Acupressure strokes can be applied or techniques to organs of major importance as well as muscles. Find the region where pain is intense and start using acupressure strokes.

Both acupuncture and massage rely on the understanding that there are seven meridians of Chi along the major meridian which are extending from the feet through the head to back. Each area is a distinct meridians linked to it. Acupressure works on the pressure points along these meridians , helping alleviate pain. These lines of energy are believed to contain many types of energy.

Acupressure can help with various ailments and conditions. It can help reduce chronic pain like lower back pain or arthritis. It is also beneficial for treating nausea. It is believed that giving someone who suffers from nausea a massage will make them more alert and better manage their discomfort. Nausea is a very debilitating condition for anyone suffering from it and has to be rid of it as quickly as possible.

Acupressure can also aid in treating digestive issues and various stomach related issues. Acupressure sessions can be a fantastic way to alleviate cramps fast. Acupressure therapy is not advised for women because it may cause allergic reactions when it is in contact with skin. Professional acupuncture therapists are certified to use acupuncture to treat menstrual cramps.

Acupressure and massage can go hand-in hand in helping to relieve pain and other symptoms. Studies have shown that massage therapy helps to ease pain while acupressure promotes healing in the body. If you've been exhausted and sick of taking medications can attempt an acupressure session to cure them of their ailments. Acupressure and medications aren't mixed to cause adverse effects.

Many people who do not like to have surgery choose to have either massage or acupressure as therapy. Both are able to relieve pain that the patient seeks. Acupressure is often misunderstood to be a negative treatment with negative side effects. The emotions and feelings are subjective. They can be managed by a good therapist to improve their positive outlook.

In Chinese medicine there are two major theories regarding the use of this kind of therapy. Acupressure is believed to speed up healing process, while another theory suggests that it could prevent illnesses and other issues from occurring. Both theories, even though identical, offer different explanations. The Chinese Medical College in Beijing has conducted studies to find out which theory is the correct one.

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